Saturday, June 6, 2009

Summer time start!

Semester tests are done, and so is school! Summer has begun. To celebrate, me and Dani watched the Nick and Norah's infinite playlist. Or as I like to call, Nick and Norah's infinite book butchering. For one thing, they're not supposed to actually have sex; just come hilariously close before being walked in on by an elderly couple (who respond with "oh my"). We also got Dan in Real Life. We were gonna watch it today but we didn't have time since I had to work.

I think at some point this summer I'm gonna rent the seasons of House from the library, since I've never watched it much before. Though I'll have to get my late fees paid off first ($6 is annoying).

Turns out some people at the Sweet Spot have been trying to listen to the radio show, but haven't figured out when and what station. Maybe they'll hear it next week! :D

All for now. So long.

1 comment:

aurieldavis said...

ZOMG go watch House it is amazing.

or we could throw a House Marathon Party.

It'd be awesome.