Thursday, April 30, 2009

BEDA Day 30 - Last BEDA!

Hard to believe April's almost gone. BEDA was quite fun, even if I did miss a few days. Though I missed less than Auriel, the queen of blogging! Quite surprising!

I'm finally back on a computer. Specifically a laptop. More specifically, Dani's laptop. She's sitting next to me doing her drivers ed homework, despite the fact that she doesn't want her license (though why would she need one? she has me to drive her everywhere!)

Mogwai is stuck in my head once more. Specifically "I Love You, I'm Going To Blow Up Your School." (best name ever)

Green pillow, brown couch, big TV, black lamp, red candle, silver laptop. Several things in this room.

This has been BEDA Day 30, and this has been BEDA!! :D

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

BEDA Day who knows

I've already missed like two days, though I could keep going. 2 days left!

That show Pitchmen makes Billy Mays look like such a dick to everyone.

Dani's ungrounded!

I hung out at Dani's today because she's ungrounded!

This har been another BEDA post which I can't remember which and feel to lazy to check. 1 left!

Monday, April 27, 2009

BEDA Day 27 - wait SHIT!

Dammit, I missed a day! :( I guess I could continue this regardless. *sniff* so close

GenNOW practice today. Why is it every time someone else does something I was gonna do, therefore making me stand there doing nothing, Margaret ALWAYS walks by? And now Auriel, and...Galen, are taking me shopping for tight pants. Don't ask, it's for the play. (Dani's invited as well!)

BEDA 27 - no 26 :(

Saturday, April 25, 2009

BEDA Day 25 - Sweet Spot open again!

The Sweet Spot (not a stripclub) finally opened! Much better than Subway. I worked both places today, 10 hours total. Now I'm tired.

Oh yeah, yesterday was a tennis meet and I won 9-7! Could it be because Dani was there to encourage me? :) But now she's grounded because of her WT grade :(

Teri came down for the weekend! But work prevented me from hanging out! :(

This has been BEDA day 25

Friday, April 24, 2009

Hung out with Dani it was fun watched a movie runon sentence just got kicked out haven't twittered all day all for now BEDA!!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

BEDA Day 23 - play falling apart

I'm starting to think "there's no fucking way we're gonna get this play done." Chances are we're gonna have to it. -_-

Turns out I was supposed to pick my brother up from practice. I got there 2 hours late. It also turns out he was supposed to call me when ready. Not my fault!

Me & Galen have a new way to make fun of Samm which I'll explain later.

This has been BEDA 23.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Today was the radio show, which was a lot of fun. We found a vinyl record of the atari and asteroids themes! From the 80s!

I found out we got another house offer! They need to sell theirs first, but theirs seems a lot more "sellable" than the others.

I hung out at Dani's after the show. Quite fun.

This has been BEDA day 22.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

BEDA Day 21 - finally from a computer again

I had yet another meet, which this time I only lost by 2. I'm getting close!

Someone else looked at our house today. WHEN WILL SOMEONE JUST BUY IT?

Ah yes, prom night which I can now explain more due to the room on this computer. So Dani and I went to Fun City with a bunch of people on a party bus! We went bowling and ate at the Boogaloo Cafe. Me and Dani racked up 500 tickets and got a couple of inflatable bats. After, we came back into town for the parade. We watched Robert's car overheat and break down. The prom itself was a bit annoying. The played almost nothing but rap giving me a new philosophy: When they play Crank That more than once, it's time to leave.

Then me and Dani went to the Cochran's rather than the after party. But first we got some NOS powershots in hope of pulling an all nighter. We were being a bit crazy, but that might've just been psychological (but it worked). I didn't crash aside from my body saying "you need to fucking sleep!", but Dani got pretty wonked out...and sick...which she still is. Poor Dani. :(

Turns out Wii Fit is pretty fun, and the balance board can tell where my head is! Freaky!

Then we watched a bunch of movies, none of which I was paying much attention to: Pineapple Express, and I can't even remember what else between that and Dogma, which I had never seen besides the beginning. (Jay and Silent Bob are in it?? Why didn't I watch this before??)

We fell asleep and I woke up seeing J&SB staring at me on the root menu (ahhhh cool) We got an awesome breakfast from the Cochrans, followed by another movie: Splinter. Couple gets abducted by another couple, find a creepy alien zombie type thing that spreads itself by hitting others with splinters, and get stuck in a gas station trying to stay alive. Ever seen a guy cut off his infected arm with a boxcutter? Fun! But shitty movie.

Then I had work (why would they even schedule me??) which I had another NOS for. I was disoriented until I snapped back to reality with a hand full of lettuce over a sub wondering how the hell I got there.

Then I went home, and didn't sleep for some reason. Wish I did.

Now everything's back to normal, and I'm still tired as usual. Fun time!

This has been BEDA day 21.

Monday, April 20, 2009

BEDA Day 20 - 420

Almost forgot about BEDA (again). Probably all the mary jane for 420 (not really).

Today I helped out with bussing tables at Pizza Ranch for a mission trip to Georgia some time in Summer. In the deep south inner city ghetto Georgia. Hope nobody gets shot. (in unrelated news, 420 is also the anniversary of the columnbine shootings *verbal sad face since smileys look weird here)
/\ BEDA day 20

Sunday, April 19, 2009

BEDA Day 19 - post prom

So tired, I haven't been asleep for 36 hours. Before prom we went to Fun City! We mostly went bowling, but me and Dani racked up around 550 tickets. We got inflatable bats!
Prom itself was pretty boring (too much rap, not enough ska :) ) We hung out at Duncan's all night, barely sleeping thanks to some NOS Powershots. It was unanimous: Splinter is the shittiest horror ever.
That's BEDA day 18.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

BEDA Day 18 - prom!

It's prom! I can't make an actual post! Sorry!

This has (sort of) been BEDA day 18.

Friday, April 17, 2009

BEDA Day 17 - prom tomorrow

Yeah, tomorrow. That's about all there is to it for the moment.

After tennis today (which I'm getting a lot better at) I went over to Dani's (while more people looked at our house) and at Griffin's advice watched Crank. Neither of us could take it very seriously, especially once he starts reading the subtitles from a japanese guy shown backwards while he's reading from his view

/\ BEDA #17.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

BEDA Day 16 - Lazy and Tired

I was hanging out at Dani's for a bit, but then her aunt wisked her away to get a manicure. Could be the last I see of her crazylong nails. :( Though I am quite excited for prom! Wish there was more room on this bus Dani and I are going on. I barely talk to anybody else that'll be on there.

Everyone should get their shirts from here. They have amazing shirts from a bunch of webcomic artists, like QC. I want this one so much!

Wow, typing Haiku Comic into Google came up with something pretty cool: The Haiku Circus! Comic drawn in with haikus. Simply amazing.

This has been BEDA day 16.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

BEDA Day 15 - Oooooooooh we're halfway there

Can't believe April's halfway over! Only 15 more BEDA posts to go, and then it's back to the regular "I'll post whenever I feel like it goddammit!"

So, right now I have a shitload (how much is that exactly?) of homework that needs to be done, but luckily involves a computer which is usually fun...until I get Blogger...and...Twitter...and Pandora. Damn.

I was gonna go to Dani's for a while today but I had to do the homework and it turned out she was being forced to go to her Grandparent's.

I really should get this done. This has been BEDA day 15.

(Auriel forgot hers nooooo)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

BEDA Day 14 - more one line posts

Second tennis meet was today. I still lost, but only 6-8, better than last time.

I've been watching Current all night. Damn I wish I could work there.

Quite excited for prom! Dani's dress is orange! (not neon)

This BEDA thing's going pretty well, aside from a few close calls. Though it's a lot easier now with mobile blogging.

This has been BEDA day 14.

Monday, April 13, 2009

BEDA Day 13 - Late work

I just realized I have a bunch of late work so I have to get that done rather than doing a full post. Rather than that, here's an adorable picture of a couple of hamsters on Cute Overload:


Also, I have a new blog title, subject to change if anyone can think of another one.

This has been BEDA day 13.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

BEDA Day 12 - Easter!

After 4 hours of church I've been home all day. Ate a bunch of ham and potatoes and half a chocolate bunny which turns out to be really REALLY bad for you.
Now I'm watching a 90s movie called Hackers. It's about hackers (obviously) but it has a crap load of misconceptions about computers like being able to visually see a virus. Just sitting there on the screen. Wow.
This has been BEDA day 12.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

BEDA day 11 - lots o stuff

Today was quite eventful. We painted the sinks for the musical. Margaret started criticizing me (as usual). My dad got my oil changed. I hung out with Galen for a while, but Auriel couldn't come because she got grounded. Went to work. George started criticizing me (as usual). And now I must go to bed, as I have to get up at 4:30 am for early church -_-
This has been BEDA day 11.

Friday, April 10, 2009


I'm trying to set up a way to blog from my phone. Hope this works.

Edit: It worked!! BEDA is saved, and I don't always have to go to the library to post!! YES!!

BEDA Day 10 - Double digits!

My house is being looked at. By potential buyers. RIGHT NOW. Shit, if they don't buy it, I'll be so pissed.

I finally got a haircut! Not too long, but not ridiculously short either. :D

Nintendo DSi is finally in the states! I just watched some videos of how to do some awesome stuff with sound and pictures. You can actually change the color of something just by clicking it! And it looks completely natural! Check it out! So awesome, I want it!!

I just realized how adorable the twitter bird is. Especially in 3D:


All for now. This has been BEDA day 10.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

BEDA Day 9 - from an ipod

Ashley has allowed me to use her ipod for this post since I won't have forum today. Thanks Ashley!

We just watched Supersize Me in chemistry. It was a bit interesting to watch, but no so great right before lunch. "Is he about to throw up? Oh god he did!" O.o

Since this is taking forever without an actual keyboard I think I'll end this here. This has been BEDA day 9.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

BEDA Day 8 - Fuckup!

So I actually forgot BEDA today until after I got home from Dani's house. I had to call Dani and have her type this for me [hi, guys!]. So since her brothers seem to keep bugging her, I'll have to make this quick.

Right now, I'm watching Spy Kids 2 and making fun of it at every turn. It seems to be pretty well reviewed, but while watching it, I realized that the entire movie is one long green screen. There's a whole fight scene, followed by dialogue, followed by another fight scene, followed by more dialogue, all in front of one giant green screen. Pretty good for a laugh.

This has been BEDA day 8, away from the computer. (Wow, can't believe I almost forgot this. Thank goodness for telephones. [and dani, too!])

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

BEDA Day 7 - So far so good

I'm really surprised I've been able to keep up with this BEDA deal. Cue fuckup.

Tonight's our first tennis meet. It was supposed to be our second, but yesterday's got cancelled. Luckily I found my headband from mime so I can keep my hair out of my eyes, which is much longer than my picture over there ----> All last week I was brushing it away every 5 seconds.

Shit. Griffin and Joanne and all those people want me to go with them to prom. Dani wants to, so do I, but I haven't told Jayme about it yet, who still thinks we're going with that group. I'm kind of freaked out about bailing on her...again.

I really wish my laptop at home would work, but the graphics card got wiped, and the bulb burnt out. Last night I got a weird urge to go make a video blog, such as my friend's Auriel's, who makes awesome ones. I got some ideas, but my video camera has an awful sound lag, so I'd rather wait until I get it fixed...or blown up.

You know what's great? People that think everyone in earshot wants to listen to their shitty rap. Take this guy sitting a few desks away. He just turns it on, sets it on his desk, and just pretends it's completely ok. IT SUCKS, WHAT WAS APPLE THINKING MAKING BUILT IN EXTERNAL SPEAKERS?

All for now. This has been BEDA day 7.

( ^ that got quoted! :3 )

Monday, April 6, 2009

BEDA day 6 - holy crap I survived the BEDA weekend

Wow, I was so sure I was gonna screw up on BEDA over the weekend, but I made it!

The new bathroom is finished! And I am excited for the house to be on the market on Tuesday!

Oh yeah, I'm in tennis (haven't mentioned on here yet). Today was supposed to be our first meet, but it got postponed because of HR Wind n' Stuff. Though it could be a blessing in disguise; I kind of suck at the moment. I can hold my own in a match, but sometimes I swing a bit harder than I should (my "over the fence" ball count is up to 3 so far, damn windy days).

I gotta stop waking up so late. I was late to school this morning; I got here at 8:25 and class starts at 8:20. Good thing I have band first, so nobody seems to care too much.

I haven't doodled at all for the past 2 months! I gotta get back to that.

This has been BEDA day 6.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

BEDA day 5 - tired

I just got finished with Generation Now practice. We're trying to put together a musical, but it's getting a bit hard since less than half the people are showing up, and we have to do this at the end of May!

Hopefully the rest of my family has been working on the house while I was there. We're hoping to get it back on the market tomorrow. I wanna move so much!!

This has been BEDA Day 5.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

BEDA day 4 - Cutting it close

I have work in 20 minutes until 9, the library closes at 5, and I've been working at my house all day. We're trying to get it sold so we can move into our grandparent's house since they're moving into town. We tried getting it sold last year before winter, but that didn't go too well. However, since this year there's some kind of $8,000 from the government to first time home buyers, and we've built a new bathroom, chances are it could go pretty well. We've actually already heard from interested buyers wondering if we were back on the market yet, but we will soon. :)

This has been BEDA day 4

Friday, April 3, 2009

BEDA Day 3 - Forum again

Here I am in forum once more. I have no homework to do, quite awesome. So, I started reading this book called Maximum Ride. It's pretty weird. These kids grew up in a lab where genetic engineering gave them wings for to fly. They say their "98% human, 2% bird," but that's gotta be completely made up. The whole book feels kind of like something that I might've written in middle school. Not a lot of description, considering they can FLY. It seems like someone writing about an impossible feat would have as much description as possible. Plus I started looking for every cliche I could find; recurring nightmares=CLICHE. Yes, this is exactly what I was wishing I had, but come on! Basically a good idea, but not too great on execution. Too bad I can't quit a book very easily once I start reading it; I started on "The Subtle Knife" from the "His Dark Materials" trilogy but never finished it, and I've felt weird about it for a while now. A book I have to finish, but I can stop if I finish one in a series. Eragon=just as cliche, but I got through the first book...and never got to the second, as the whole thing felt ripped off. Plus this:
turned out to be pretty true, as it had a whole dictionary in the back!
Well, back to the book. This has been BEDA day 3.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

BEDA Day 2 - From forum!

I'm sitting in forum at the moment, which is like homeroom in the middle of the day. Some guys are playing Connect Four. We're supposed to be doing some kind of portfolio due at the end of senior year, but nobody really does them.

Third wisdom tooth coming in. Luckily, mine don't hurt like everyone else's seem to.

Just realized I haven't mentioned this on here before; me and Dani are going out. I asked her last artwalk after she told me that she liked me, and it seemed I wasn't really getting anywhere with Jayme (pretty sure she's going out with Daniel again). We watched Mirrors the other day; it was pretty creepy, but we weren't...really...paying attention... :)

Florida trip was awesome!! The best place we went was probably Islands of Adventure at Universal Studios. They had some pretty sweet rollercoasters, and we even helped Dani get over her fear of upsidedown coasters (seriously, everyone likes them after they try them, even Mr. Edgeton who finally rode The Hulk after all these years)

I can't find any quotes on that aren't blocked on my school's computers! How bad could they possibly be??

This has been BEDA day 2. This could be pretty hard to keep up though, since I don't have internet at home, so I can't get on every day...crap!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Blog Every Day in April eh?

Well, bring it on! Auriel just told me about this, so I'm gonna try and go for it! So, I'm hanging out at Dani's house. We're babysitting her one-year-old brother Teague. He's pretty strange; Dani can understand him, but I still feel like videotaping him talking and putting weird subtitles on him.
Spongebob possibly being cancelled?? Whaaaat? Although it's kind of weird he started acting so gay after he was accused of being such, not so much beforehand.
All I can think of at the moment, and I guess I could try to keep this up.