Thursday, April 2, 2009

BEDA Day 2 - From forum!

I'm sitting in forum at the moment, which is like homeroom in the middle of the day. Some guys are playing Connect Four. We're supposed to be doing some kind of portfolio due at the end of senior year, but nobody really does them.

Third wisdom tooth coming in. Luckily, mine don't hurt like everyone else's seem to.

Just realized I haven't mentioned this on here before; me and Dani are going out. I asked her last artwalk after she told me that she liked me, and it seemed I wasn't really getting anywhere with Jayme (pretty sure she's going out with Daniel again). We watched Mirrors the other day; it was pretty creepy, but we weren't...really...paying attention... :)

Florida trip was awesome!! The best place we went was probably Islands of Adventure at Universal Studios. They had some pretty sweet rollercoasters, and we even helped Dani get over her fear of upsidedown coasters (seriously, everyone likes them after they try them, even Mr. Edgeton who finally rode The Hulk after all these years)

I can't find any quotes on that aren't blocked on my school's computers! How bad could they possibly be??

This has been BEDA day 2. This could be pretty hard to keep up though, since I don't have internet at home, so I can't get on every day...crap!

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