Monday, April 6, 2009

BEDA day 6 - holy crap I survived the BEDA weekend

Wow, I was so sure I was gonna screw up on BEDA over the weekend, but I made it!

The new bathroom is finished! And I am excited for the house to be on the market on Tuesday!

Oh yeah, I'm in tennis (haven't mentioned on here yet). Today was supposed to be our first meet, but it got postponed because of HR Wind n' Stuff. Though it could be a blessing in disguise; I kind of suck at the moment. I can hold my own in a match, but sometimes I swing a bit harder than I should (my "over the fence" ball count is up to 3 so far, damn windy days).

I gotta stop waking up so late. I was late to school this morning; I got here at 8:25 and class starts at 8:20. Good thing I have band first, so nobody seems to care too much.

I haven't doodled at all for the past 2 months! I gotta get back to that.

This has been BEDA day 6.

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