Friday, April 3, 2009

BEDA Day 3 - Forum again

Here I am in forum once more. I have no homework to do, quite awesome. So, I started reading this book called Maximum Ride. It's pretty weird. These kids grew up in a lab where genetic engineering gave them wings for to fly. They say their "98% human, 2% bird," but that's gotta be completely made up. The whole book feels kind of like something that I might've written in middle school. Not a lot of description, considering they can FLY. It seems like someone writing about an impossible feat would have as much description as possible. Plus I started looking for every cliche I could find; recurring nightmares=CLICHE. Yes, this is exactly what I was wishing I had, but come on! Basically a good idea, but not too great on execution. Too bad I can't quit a book very easily once I start reading it; I started on "The Subtle Knife" from the "His Dark Materials" trilogy but never finished it, and I've felt weird about it for a while now. A book I have to finish, but I can stop if I finish one in a series. Eragon=just as cliche, but I got through the first book...and never got to the second, as the whole thing felt ripped off. Plus this:
turned out to be pretty true, as it had a whole dictionary in the back!
Well, back to the book. This has been BEDA day 3.

1 comment:

Galen Hawthorne said...

Ugh. Subtle Knife was okay, but the final one, Amber Spyglass, was fucking hell. "There was some chick who's name I refuse to reveal sleeping in some asshole cave in asshole mountain. Now, 20 more pages of this same sentence." There was a definite curve of suck leading straight down from the first book. Phillip Pullman had better get his act together.