Wednesday, December 30, 2009
A new source of internet!
Along with internet stuff, I can also get Wii points and get games for the virtual console! So far I got Star Fox (so much nostalgia) and the first episode of Strong Bad's Cool Game For Attractive People (silly name). Both have been lotsa fun. In fact I think I might go play them!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
had a weird dream that could take several tweets to explain. or I could blog it. that would work too
"Ah. Well, I suppose it would've been if he had done a better job."
"Well, everyone disappeared when I marched on, there was a rainbow around the corner, the locker room doesn't look like this, and you're wearing a dress."
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Totoro and other fun things!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
A post waiting to be posted...until now!
I haven't posted anything for a while but any time I do it's usually griping about work. Can't guarantee that I'll stop that, but I'll just get it out of the way for now:
"You want me to work a double shift? Fuck no! Give me maybe a couple days notice and then we'll see, but right when my regular shift starts??" "Why are you coming in through the exit? Could it be because you're too distracted from smoking and texting at the same time?? Oh, you've got a young daughter with you, that's a great idea. Way to put her life in danger!" "What makes you think that's the right way to park?" "No we don't have sugar free ice cream!!" "Why do I work so much!!??" "Oh, 250 bucks, that's why."
I've had quite a bit to talk about, but never really had the time to post on here. I had a list of what to type, but I lost I guess I'll just wing it. First off, I got a new computer!! It's a Compaq, Presario CQ60 (look it up). It's shiny and black and awesome. Though I recently found out it isn't necessarily for 3D games, so Austin bought Call of Duty 4 and found out the hard way. So much lagging! Although he also got Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion, and that runs pretty well. He says he's addicted, and I'm finally starting to play it more often. Man you level up for doing pretty much anything! Running: LVL UP! Jumping: LVL UP! Croutching (which is "sneaking"):LVL UP! Getting hit? LVL UP! "Your armor skills have increased" as it says. Basically, "You've been smacked enough."
My mom's been thinking about finally getting some decent internet! Then I won't have to go to the library or 2nd street every time I need to Google something!
I've been getting into more animes recently. Thanks to my new computer-weilding abilities, I can use BitTorrent! I'm currently downloading the first season of Digimon! Wierd, I know, but I liked it. I saw the first few episodes of Azumanga Daiyo. It seemed strange. I was gonna watch more, but I was distracted by other animes: Galen loaned me a cd for the first season of "The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya." This girl decides that life is boring and wants to find spirits, aliens, espers, time travelers, etc. Turns out she's like a god and can make stuff she wants to happen, happen. She doesn't know this though, and her new friends (who a few are said etcs) must humor her to keep the world as they know it normal, or all that stuff will become commonplace if she knows about it, fucking up the entire universe.
I also started watching "Lucky Star." It's pretty much just 4 friends (18 year old girls that look like they're 10) talking about random things. They talk about food for 8 minutes in the first episode. The weird thing is that I can't stop watching it! The show seems to have no real plot aside from extended discussions, yet its still fun to watch. Or rather, listen to. Sometimes I go do other things while also listening to them just talking, changing the window back every now and then to look for a scene change that may have occured.
I let Jason borrow my iPod cable for his radio show (which is right after ours) since he lost his. I came back the next week hoping to get it back, but he didn't show up for some reason. I thought it was ok though, since he could just give it to me the week after, but I ask for it then and he says he put it on the table by the computer in the studio. He looks around, but it's not there anymore. I've got Jimmy (station manager) keeping his eyes out for it, and nothing. So I borrowed Auriel's cable so I can put all this Mogwai and Go! Team that I recently acquired...somehow...onto it. I then went on a spree of deleting most of the music that I don't like/listen to to free up some space, since I plan on getting better music soon. But guess what Auriel does while I'm not looking? She puts a bunch of HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL and OTHER SHAMEFUL MUSIC onto it!! GOD!! The point of deleting this all was to eliminate any possibility of a shameful shuffle, should my music be plugged into speakers at a party or the stereo at work. Now I can't delete it since I still don't have my cable! "Shake It?" Come on, I've heard that at the Sweet Spot way to much to know I don't want it!! I'm sorry if this offends Auriel, but HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL DOD GAMMIT!
A bunch of us are kind of sad at the moment. Galen's leaving for college on Friday. College! At the age of 15! How does he do it? Nobody knows. Though it could be hard for him to do the radio show while up there. We set up Skype so he can still be there in a way, but knowing our luck the computer in the studio probably won't be able to hear voice calls or the internet will be dead right when the show starts. Plus Auriel's leaving for Interlochen in a while as well, so chances are the show could get kind of boring. Galen wasn't there a couple weeks ago, and I was hoping to do things a bit differently, whatever that meant. But then I ended up reading an article word for word for almost 15 minutes, while Duncan chose to not give much input or make any witty remarks, unlike usual. Seems without Galen he has nobody to battle with words.
Wow, it's almost 2 am now. I really should be getting to bed, since I have to meet my brother in the morning so he doesn't walk into the church with a shotgun in his hands. Let me explain that last statement: Austin is spending the night at a friend's, and they are both into airsoft rifles, which are those plastic bullets you can shoot at each other and not get a trip to the emergency room. His friend's mom is taking him to church and I have to meet him there so he can put his gun in my car. That explains that.
Ok, I really have to get to bed now. Goodnight all. Or good day. Whenever this gets posted."
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Late night at dani's
Movie time!! Off to the theater!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Sitting in a hotel room with some guy whose name I don't know
I'd write more, but I have to get up at 4:30 tomorrow for the second part of enlistment. It could be hard to sleep since I have Sgt. Pepper and I Get By With a Little Help From My Friends stuck in my head. Good night!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
I didn't know 3 hour shifts even existed...
I don't know why, but I think George (at subway) might be either mad at me for some reason, or constantly in a bitter mood. He belittles me at pretty much every turn, but mainly seems to think some kind of nuclear catastrophe will occur if I even touch the cash register while he's there. Ok, I've had problems with the register months ago but, like I said, that was months ago. Plus he let this new guy James on it for most of the time, but he fucked up on like every order! ("I accidentally hit $20 instead of $10," "I forgot to charge for a meal," etc.) I'm not saying he's playing favorites-- wait, yeah I am. And it's fucking annoying. And people ask me why I like the Sweet Spot better.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Summer time start!
I think at some point this summer I'm gonna rent the seasons of House from the library, since I've never watched it much before. Though I'll have to get my late fees paid off first ($6 is annoying).
Turns out some people at the Sweet Spot have been trying to listen to the radio show, but haven't figured out when and what station. Maybe they'll hear it next week! :D
All for now. So long.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Back to a good job and free from genNOW!
I'm auditioning for the National Guard band. Dani was a little worried since I'll have to eventually have to go to basic, but it turns out thr earliest I'll be able to go is next summer, so this summer is still free.
I wish I had some incense at the moment. I wish I could burn incense at the moment. I wish Dani were allowed to have incense.
This new phone is quite nice. Not only does it have a full keyboard, but I can have up to 1000 chars in these mobile posts. Take that, twitter!
Today was the last normal day of the school year. Tomorrow we start sem. tests for three days, and the year's over. Strangely it doesn't feel like the year should be over at all.
That's all for now. I should be studying, but I'm not. :)
Thank you for using Picture and Video Messaging by U.S. Cellular. See for info.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
BEDA finished. still fun to blog though
Fairfield now has an awesome underground concert place called the beauty shoppe! I went to a concert there on Sunday. Three bands. I missed the first, but I saw Netherfriends and Excercise; both incredibly awesome so I bought a few of their cds. More awesomeness! Too bad nobody else in my group of friends planning on going could. But I can still let them see the cds.
this has been BE-- wait, no. force of habit. this has been...a post...with hopefully many more to come. :)
Thursday, April 30, 2009
BEDA Day 30 - Last BEDA!
I'm finally back on a computer. Specifically a laptop. More specifically, Dani's laptop. She's sitting next to me doing her drivers ed homework, despite the fact that she doesn't want her license (though why would she need one? she has me to drive her everywhere!)
Mogwai is stuck in my head once more. Specifically "I Love You, I'm Going To Blow Up Your School." (best name ever)
Green pillow, brown couch, big TV, black lamp, red candle, silver laptop. Several things in this room.
This has been BEDA Day 30, and this has been BEDA!! :D
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
BEDA Day who knows
That show Pitchmen makes Billy Mays look like such a dick to everyone.
Dani's ungrounded!
I hung out at Dani's today because she's ungrounded!
This har been another BEDA post which I can't remember which and feel to lazy to check. 1 left!
Monday, April 27, 2009
BEDA Day 27 - wait SHIT!
GenNOW practice today. Why is it every time someone else does something I was gonna do, therefore making me stand there doing nothing, Margaret ALWAYS walks by? And now Auriel, and...Galen, are taking me shopping for tight pants. Don't ask, it's for the play. (Dani's invited as well!)
BEDA 27 - no 26 :(
Saturday, April 25, 2009
BEDA Day 25 - Sweet Spot open again!
Oh yeah, yesterday was a tennis meet and I won 9-7! Could it be because Dani was there to encourage me? :) But now she's grounded because of her WT grade :(
Teri came down for the weekend! But work prevented me from hanging out! :(
This has been BEDA day 25
Friday, April 24, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
BEDA Day 23 - play falling apart
Turns out I was supposed to pick my brother up from practice. I got there 2 hours late. It also turns out he was supposed to call me when ready. Not my fault!
Me & Galen have a new way to make fun of Samm which I'll explain later.
This has been BEDA 23.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
I found out we got another house offer! They need to sell theirs first, but theirs seems a lot more "sellable" than the others.
I hung out at Dani's after the show. Quite fun.
This has been BEDA day 22.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
BEDA Day 21 - finally from a computer again
Someone else looked at our house today. WHEN WILL SOMEONE JUST BUY IT?
Ah yes, prom night which I can now explain more due to the room on this computer. So Dani and I went to Fun City with a bunch of people on a party bus! We went bowling and ate at the Boogaloo Cafe. Me and Dani racked up 500 tickets and got a couple of inflatable bats. After, we came back into town for the parade. We watched Robert's car overheat and break down. The prom itself was a bit annoying. The played almost nothing but rap giving me a new philosophy: When they play Crank That more than once, it's time to leave.
Then me and Dani went to the Cochran's rather than the after party. But first we got some NOS powershots in hope of pulling an all nighter. We were being a bit crazy, but that might've just been psychological (but it worked). I didn't crash aside from my body saying "you need to fucking sleep!", but Dani got pretty wonked out...and sick...which she still is. Poor Dani. :(
Turns out Wii Fit is pretty fun, and the balance board can tell where my head is! Freaky!
Then we watched a bunch of movies, none of which I was paying much attention to: Pineapple Express, and I can't even remember what else between that and Dogma, which I had never seen besides the beginning. (Jay and Silent Bob are in it?? Why didn't I watch this before??)
We fell asleep and I woke up seeing J&SB staring at me on the root menu (ahhhh cool) We got an awesome breakfast from the Cochrans, followed by another movie: Splinter. Couple gets abducted by another couple, find a creepy alien zombie type thing that spreads itself by hitting others with splinters, and get stuck in a gas station trying to stay alive. Ever seen a guy cut off his infected arm with a boxcutter? Fun! But shitty movie.
Then I had work (why would they even schedule me??) which I had another NOS for. I was disoriented until I snapped back to reality with a hand full of lettuce over a sub wondering how the hell I got there.
Then I went home, and didn't sleep for some reason. Wish I did.
Now everything's back to normal, and I'm still tired as usual. Fun time!
This has been BEDA day 21.
Monday, April 20, 2009
BEDA Day 20 - 420
Today I helped out with bussing tables at Pizza Ranch for a mission trip to Georgia some time in Summer. In the deep south inner city ghetto Georgia. Hope nobody gets shot. (in unrelated news, 420 is also the anniversary of the columnbine shootings *verbal sad face since smileys look weird here)
/\ BEDA day 20
Sunday, April 19, 2009
BEDA Day 19 - post prom
Prom itself was pretty boring (too much rap, not enough ska :) ) We hung out at Duncan's all night, barely sleeping thanks to some NOS Powershots. It was unanimous: Splinter is the shittiest horror ever.
That's BEDA day 18.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
BEDA Day 18 - prom!
This has (sort of) been BEDA day 18.
Friday, April 17, 2009
BEDA Day 17 - prom tomorrow
After tennis today (which I'm getting a lot better at) I went over to Dani's (while more people looked at our house) and at Griffin's advice watched Crank. Neither of us could take it very seriously, especially once he starts reading the subtitles from a japanese guy shown backwards while he's reading from his view
/\ BEDA #17.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
BEDA Day 16 - Lazy and Tired
Everyone should get their shirts from here. They have amazing shirts from a bunch of webcomic artists, like QC. I want this one so much!
Wow, typing Haiku Comic into Google came up with something pretty cool: The Haiku Circus! Comic drawn in with haikus. Simply amazing.
This has been BEDA day 16.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
BEDA Day 15 - Oooooooooh we're halfway there
So, right now I have a shitload (how much is that exactly?) of homework that needs to be done, but luckily involves a computer which is usually fun...until I get Blogger...and...Twitter...and Pandora. Damn.
I was gonna go to Dani's for a while today but I had to do the homework and it turned out she was being forced to go to her Grandparent's.
I really should get this done. This has been BEDA day 15.
(Auriel forgot hers nooooo)
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
BEDA Day 14 - more one line posts
I've been watching Current all night. Damn I wish I could work there.
Quite excited for prom! Dani's dress is orange! (not neon)
This BEDA thing's going pretty well, aside from a few close calls. Though it's a lot easier now with mobile blogging.
This has been BEDA day 14.
Monday, April 13, 2009
BEDA Day 13 - Late work
Also, I have a new blog title, subject to change if anyone can think of another one.
This has been BEDA day 13.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
BEDA Day 12 - Easter!
Now I'm watching a 90s movie called Hackers. It's about hackers (obviously) but it has a crap load of misconceptions about computers like being able to visually see a virus. Just sitting there on the screen. Wow.
This has been BEDA day 12.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
BEDA day 11 - lots o stuff
This has been BEDA day 11.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Edit: It worked!! BEDA is saved, and I don't always have to go to the library to post!! YES!!
BEDA Day 10 - Double digits!
I finally got a haircut! Not too long, but not ridiculously short either. :D
Nintendo DSi is finally in the states! I just watched some videos of how to do some awesome stuff with sound and pictures. You can actually change the color of something just by clicking it! And it looks completely natural! Check it out! So awesome, I want it!!
I just realized how adorable the twitter bird is. Especially in 3D:

All for now. This has been BEDA day 10.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
BEDA Day 9 - from an ipod
We just watched Supersize Me in chemistry. It was a bit interesting to watch, but no so great right before lunch. "Is he about to throw up? Oh god he did!" O.o
Since this is taking forever without an actual keyboard I think I'll end this here. This has been BEDA day 9.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
BEDA Day 8 - Fuckup!
Right now, I'm watching Spy Kids 2 and making fun of it at every turn. It seems to be pretty well reviewed, but while watching it, I realized that the entire movie is one long green screen. There's a whole fight scene, followed by dialogue, followed by another fight scene, followed by more dialogue, all in front of one giant green screen. Pretty good for a laugh.
This has been BEDA day 8, away from the computer. (Wow, can't believe I almost forgot this. Thank goodness for telephones. [and dani, too!])
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
BEDA Day 7 - So far so good
Tonight's our first tennis meet. It was supposed to be our second, but yesterday's got cancelled. Luckily I found my headband from mime so I can keep my hair out of my eyes, which is much longer than my picture over there ----> All last week I was brushing it away every 5 seconds.
Shit. Griffin and Joanne and all those people want me to go with them to prom. Dani wants to, so do I, but I haven't told Jayme about it yet, who still thinks we're going with that group. I'm kind of freaked out about bailing on her...again.
I really wish my laptop at home would work, but the graphics card got wiped, and the bulb burnt out. Last night I got a weird urge to go make a video blog, such as my friend's Auriel's, who makes awesome ones. I got some ideas, but my video camera has an awful sound lag, so I'd rather wait until I get it fixed...or blown up.
You know what's great? People that think everyone in earshot wants to listen to their shitty rap. Take this guy sitting a few desks away. He just turns it on, sets it on his desk, and just pretends it's completely ok. IT SUCKS, WHAT WAS APPLE THINKING MAKING BUILT IN EXTERNAL SPEAKERS?
All for now. This has been BEDA day 7.
( ^ that got quoted! :3 )
Monday, April 6, 2009
BEDA day 6 - holy crap I survived the BEDA weekend
The new bathroom is finished! And I am excited for the house to be on the market on Tuesday!
Oh yeah, I'm in tennis (haven't mentioned on here yet). Today was supposed to be our first meet, but it got postponed because of HR Wind n' Stuff. Though it could be a blessing in disguise; I kind of suck at the moment. I can hold my own in a match, but sometimes I swing a bit harder than I should (my "over the fence" ball count is up to 3 so far, damn windy days).
I gotta stop waking up so late. I was late to school this morning; I got here at 8:25 and class starts at 8:20. Good thing I have band first, so nobody seems to care too much.
I haven't doodled at all for the past 2 months! I gotta get back to that.
This has been BEDA day 6.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
BEDA day 5 - tired
Hopefully the rest of my family has been working on the house while I was there. We're hoping to get it back on the market tomorrow. I wanna move so much!!
This has been BEDA Day 5.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
BEDA day 4 - Cutting it close
This has been BEDA day 4
Friday, April 3, 2009
BEDA Day 3 - Forum again
turned out to be pretty true, as it had a whole dictionary in the back!
Well, back to the book. This has been BEDA day 3.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
BEDA Day 2 - From forum!
Third wisdom tooth coming in. Luckily, mine don't hurt like everyone else's seem to.
Just realized I haven't mentioned this on here before; me and Dani are going out. I asked her last artwalk after she told me that she liked me, and it seemed I wasn't really getting anywhere with Jayme (pretty sure she's going out with Daniel again). We watched Mirrors the other day; it was pretty creepy, but we weren't...really...paying attention... :)
Florida trip was awesome!! The best place we went was probably Islands of Adventure at Universal Studios. They had some pretty sweet rollercoasters, and we even helped Dani get over her fear of upsidedown coasters (seriously, everyone likes them after they try them, even Mr. Edgeton who finally rode The Hulk after all these years)
I can't find any quotes on that aren't blocked on my school's computers! How bad could they possibly be??
This has been BEDA day 2. This could be pretty hard to keep up though, since I don't have internet at home, so I can't get on every day...crap!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Blog Every Day in April eh?
Spongebob possibly being cancelled?? Whaaaat? Although it's kind of weird he started acting so gay after he was accused of being such, not so much beforehand.
All I can think of at the moment, and I guess I could try to keep this up.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Some customers are such pricks
I'm working on veggies in the asseline we make when we have at least 2 customers, which we had three; a guy in a yellow shirt (unimportant to the story) and a couple, man and woman. I can't remember what the woman ordered, but the guy ordered a bmt (pepperoni salami and ham) on italian. Normally italian bread is a whitish color, but it occasionally gets a bit browner when we make it. It's still ok, but just not as soft.
So I finish with the yellow-shirt-guy's veggies and finish him off on register. I grabbed some more gloves and went over to the couple and asked what they wanted on the one in front of me, and the guy says he wanted it toasted. So I toast it like he wants while George (another employee) works on the woman's sub. After it comes out of the toaster, it seems a bit dark, but still fine. I ask him what he wants on the sandwich and he asks for light lettuce. I put it on, very lightly, but he says "even lighter" a little agitated, even though it's pretty much as light as you can get without just scraps of lettuce here and there. So he gets a few other things, and by the time I'm finished, George is done with the woman's so we're both starting to wrap the sandwiches when he askes, sounding slightly more agitated, if his is burnt. I don't think it is, so I look over at George, who says "no." The guy must not have heard him because it turns out he had been starring at just me for the answer. By that time I was starting to hear him use the F-word a few times, though not too loud.
I put the wrapped sandwich in the bag along with the one George wrapped, and hand it to the two while asking if they want a meal (which we're required to ask). The woman says no thanks, but the man is already taking his sandwich out of the bag, looks at it, and says "what the fuck!" He goes off on his woman complaining how he believes it's burnt. So the woman asks us if we could possibly remake it, which George goes to do, trying to avoid anything too bad. He looks at me and says "I asked you if it was burnt but you just fucking ignored me!" So I start to point at George about to say "He told you it wasn't." I guess I must have started to make a small shrugging motion while I did because the next thing I got from him was:
All I could do was stand there and quietly say "sorry." Then he starts saying stuff like "I come here 40 times a week," "I've never been treated this way," and "I'm never coming here again." On the last one I was tempted to shout "GOOD!!" So I have to redo the veggies for him, all while being treated like shit. During which, I started making a list of things I should've said to him (good thing I didn't, but it would have been so satisfying):
"I'm gonna venture a guess that you're either unemployed or that you don't work around other people."
"I swear, if I didn't have to make this sandwich in front of you..."
"Sheesh, what crawled up your ass?"
"You must be great at parties."
So after I remake it, the woman politely thanks us for making sandwich again. But then I notice that they're leaving with all three sandwiches! Wait a minute, so your bitching at me, and you're getting free food for it?? What the fuck is your problem!?!? I'm so glad he said "never coming here again," or I'd probably greet him with "Hey, assface." Hope that woman dumps him soon, while it's still early (our manager said she always comes in with a different guy.)
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
finally some relationship drama of my own.
As it turns out, practically everybody at school thinks the two of us should go out, especially because she recently broke up with Daniel. So I finally ask her, she pauses for a few seconds, and says "yes!" We hug, then go home after agreeing to try and not let it get passed around the school so quickly. (this was all on valentine's day btw)
So the next day at Subway (where I work) all day I continually think "holy shit, I'm actually going out with her!" and start looking forward to all kinds of things (seeing movies, that stuff), but eventually I start thinking "oh shit, what if we break up?" Well, I shouldn't have to worry about that right?
Later that night we're both helping out at a church dinner, and she's acting a little, well, distant. I finally got the phone back from my brother (we share the phone) which had been off since who-knows-when. I turn it on, and instantly get a slew of texts from her with stuff like "I can't do this right now," "I'm sorry, I just can't," and "I feel like a bitch for this." (she's not, don't worry.) So turns out she still hasn't gotten over Daniel, as they were actually going to get together again, but he changed his mind at the last second (this was also on Saturday, literally hours beforehand). Now she feels sad and upset because I guess she really wanted to do this, but just couldn't bear it right now (she said "maybe later.") I think it's ok for now, but she's been really upset with herself for saying yes, and later changing her mind. I understand completely, but she said she's feeling "everything." (sad, upset, horrible, angry maybe?) I'm gonna try and help her out somehow (hope I'm good at that.) I wonder if maybe we could try doing things as friends and see if anything happens.
But at the same time, I'm wondering "'Maybe later?' But when will that be?" I guess I'll just have to go with it and hope for the best for now.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
All for now, gotta go to band (again, since I missed too many games and have to make them up)
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Oh boy.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
One line ramblings
I have "Andy. You're a Star" by The Killers stuck in my head.
This is like the third time I've tried to write this post.
I think Samm might be mad at me.
Auriel seems to be avoiding me like a radioactive pineapple.
Nobody texts me anymore. All I ever do is twitter.
I wonder if our band will ever be able to actually play a full song.
I wish I had internet rather than having to go to the library all the time.
I smell like subway.
Hope mime goes well tonight.
I'm getting booted off my computer.